Category: Uncategorized

  • And so the Battle ended with splendor! – Speech Olympiad XI

    And so the Battle ended with splendor! – Speech Olympiad XI

    By Shenali Welikala Published on Mora Mag and The Island “Think. Speak. Change” was echoing through the minds of the members of the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa as they set sail on a voyage to unveil the oratory excellence within the University of Moratuwa with the beginning of the newest chapter of Speech Olympiad, the 11th…

  • And so the battle begins- Speech Olympiad XI

    By Shenali Welikala Published on Mora Mag Speech Olympiad is the flagship event of the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa, which is an affiliate of Toastmasters International. This year marks the 11th chapter of Speech Olympiad, an intra-university speech contest open to all faculties which ultimately unveils the champion speaker in University of Moratuwa.…

  • Gavel Orientation 2017

    Gavel Orientation 2017

    By Nadarasar Bahavan The stage was abruptly and suddenly taken over by the Men in Black: The Agent K and Agent K, Kasun and Kanchana:  the Dynamic Duo of the club. Everybody was taken to the edge of the seats, while both the Ranasinghes delivered a terrific and dramatic opening that caught the slumbering audience…

  • Alumni Reunion and 335th Gavel Meeting

    Alumni Reunion and 335th Gavel Meeting

    By Navodini Wijethilake All of us like to recollect our school memories, don’t we? That is just because we are still university students! But once we step out from this phenomenal place, undoubtedly we will feel nostalgic! Not only for our alma mater but also for our Gavel family. This day was for them! For all…

  • Father’s Day Celebrations and 330th Gavel meeting

    By Rochelle Silva         Father, a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love, Father, a man turned to a hero for love. Dark clouds on the horizon, impending semester end exams and vacations: none of these could deter the determined Gaveliers from attending the 330th Gavel meeting to pay homage to…

  • Joint Meeting with Gavel Club of UoC and 327th Gavel Meeting

    By Mohamed Athif The 327th Gavel Meeting was a very special one for the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa. The very first joint meeting between us and Gavel Club of University of Colombo happened on 17th May at the Electrical Engineering Seminar room of the University of Moratuwa. The gathering was ablaze with the…

  • Gavel Avurudu Celebrations and 324th Meeting

    By Indeewari Chandrasekara Who runs here and there at an Avurudu Celebration with a pen and a paper? Well, I had to, on 23rd April at Gavel Avurudu Celebrations! And here are all the reasons why. Time was 1.20 p.m. Despite all the teasing on “Lighting the hearth”, especially from the former Executive Board, Harshani…

  • Big Match Celebrations and 321st Gavel Meeting

    By Kasun Ranasinghe  Give me a G… A… V… E… L… what’s it spell? GAVEL!!!!!!! It was a brisk afternoon at the Moratuwa tennis court as the crowds poured in to see the match. The pitch looked spectacular with a fair cover of grass and humidity at a comfortable 56%. Truly a perfect pitch for…

  • 319th Gavel Meeting and Women’s Day Celebrations

    By Lihini Dinushika A woman is an epitome of beauty, wisdom and care. She has climbed the mountains and dived into the ocean; she has matched the steps with every man in the world… Celebrations for the women’s day began on 8th March with the 319th Gavel meeting. With Madam President Piyumi Bandaranayake at the helm, the women’s day…

  • Flashback to 2016/17

    “Never tell us the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon.” It was the beginning of a new era for the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa with the appointment of executive & assistant boards for the year 2017/18 led by Piyumi Bandaranayake. The 11th installation ceremony & the 318th meeting…