Author: admin 2

  • Christmas Celebrations and 268th Meeting

    By Chamanthi Denisha Jayaweera Photo credits: Hashan Nirvan Rahubaddha The Gavel family is multi-cultural, multi-religious and is boundlessly willing to share opinions. One of the factors that bind the Gavel family together is their spirit of celebration. The Christmas meeting is a key event in the Gavel calendar. Project chairs Timal Mohan and Merl Chandana…

  • Gavel Outbound training and 266th Meeting

    A voyage through the pristine water ways and dense rain forest… A memorable outing with the family and the leaches… Annual Gavel Outbound training (aka Gavel Trip) and the 266th meeting was held at Runakanda Rain Forest on 6th December 2015. The event was chaired by Hashan Rahubaddha and Chamanthi Jayaweera. Let the photos speak…

  • 265th Meeting

    By Rochelle Silva “What makes this world so beautiful?” “What’s the best method to improve higher education?” “Why is Enrique Iglesias so lovable?” If you were at the 265th Gavel meeting, you would have found the answers to those questions and much more. The meeting kicked off with a reminder from our beloved Mr. President…

  • 263rd Meeting

    By Samavath Mallawarachchi “If you could go back to the past, what would you like to change in your life?”  This was the round robin topic given by Shehan Avindra, the philosophic toastmaster of 263rd Gavel Meeting. It was an interesting round robin session, as the Gaveliers put forward different views on this topic. Vibhanu…

  • 262nd Meeting

      By Ama Kalpani “The best of times are always found when friends and family gather around.” It was another Wednesday where Gavel family got together for the 262nd time for another remarkable meeting. President Vibhanu Arachchige commenced the meeting at the usual place, PG seminar room of ENTC, and the proceedings were started after…

  • 261st Meeting

    By Lihini Dinushika The smell of victory was in the air as President Vibhanu Arachchige began the 261st gavel meeting with the pleasant reminder of Kaushalya Gayan Batawalas’ victory at IUBS. As usual the proceedings started with the national anthem which was led by Kaushalya. Then Vibhanu managed to bring some grimaces to the faces…

  • 260th Meeting

    By Chathuranga Amunugama “There is something romantic about the way raindrops fall to the earth. They slowly cleanse it, make it new and nourish it to grow its beauty organically, even when it appears like the sky is crying”. Gloomy afternoon, the sound of the raindrops, a white board full of topics, and a room…

  • Joint Meeting with Gavel Club of CCS and 259th Gavel Meeting

    By Niluxsi Puvanenthiran With giggles and laughter of amiable Gaveliers, the 259th Gavel meeting commenced. It was more special to the Gavel family as it was the second joint meeting with Gaveliers of Institute of Chemistry. Afnan Azeem, a very enthusiastic Gavelier of ICHEM took up the role of Toastmaster and started the session with…

  • 257th Meeting

    By Mohamed Athif The 257th Gavel meeting was held in the ENTC PG seminar room at the usual hour of 5 PM. The President, Vibhanu Arachchige called the meeting to order. The national anthem was led by Samavath Mallawarachchi. The president introduced the Gavel Club to the many newcomers from level one, welcoming them to…

  • Gaveliers shine on the global arena

    By Mohamed Athif The CIMA Global Business Challenge (GBC) is an international business competition for undergraduates around the world. The Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa has achieved several victories over the past few years including two Championships in 2009 and 2010 reflecting its members’ excellence in public speaking and leadership. Gavel’s team of “Paragon…