243rd Meeting

By Janith Dissanayake

While the heat and spirit of Vesak festival still reverberated in the hearts of every student in University of Moratuwa, we GAVELIERS had our 243rd Gavel meeting at the PG seminar room of the ENTC department at 5.30pm.  After the national anthem which was led by Mohamed Athif, president of the club Vibhanu Arachchige commenced the meeting by appointing Samavath Mallawarachchi as the toastmaster for the meeting.


“Have a heart pure from all the vices and let your sanity guide you from oblivion not just for a single day, but each and every day” was the amazing message that came out from most of the Gaveliers  during the round robin session ;objective of which was to celebrate the spirit of Vesak in our own unique way. The meeting became a memorable one upon the appointment of Hashan  Rahubaddha to head the table topics session, which in his words was one of the best experiences he has ever had during his journey with the Gavel club of University of Moratuwa.


Most of us fear Death. However, this was not the case with most of the Gaveliers, as their views touched motivational aspects of Death rather than touching the darker aspects of it, making topics related to “Death” the most favorite topics during an interesting table topic session headed by Hashan. The smidgen of personal experience that most of the Gaveliers added to their speeches was the essence that kept everyone interested.

Following the table topics session came the role players’ reports and thorough evaluations made by Vibhanu Arachchige and Sirimevan Jayasundera which was truly uplifting, and the insights gained there would surely come handy in sharpening the edge of upcoming speeches of each and every member who was present.


“Never mind about what?” was the question that raised our curiosity to its peak after hearing the topic of the prepared speech delivered by Rochelle Silva. “Job Well Done” was the conclusion of the evaluator as she managed to achieve the objectives covered by the exercise.


After which with our horizons broadened and hearts overwhelmed with joy and energy, we dispersed with only one thought in our minds. “244th meeting”; ‘cause this is where we want to be, ‘cause this is where we belong, ‘cause this is our family.



The role players for the day

Toastmaster – Kasun Samavath Mallawarachchi

Table Topics Master –Hashan Nirvan Rahubaddha

Timer – Rafhan Rifan

Ah Counter –Wimali Galgamuwage

Grammarian – Mohamed Athif

General Evaluator – Thilina Madumal
Prepared speech Evaluator – Hasindu Siyambalape

Table Topics Evaluator I – Sirimevan Jayasundera

Table Topic Evaluator II – Vibhanu Osanka Arachchige