Speech Olympiad, The Walk-Through

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-18 at 8.00.25 PMBy Zafra Rifky


Standing alone in front of 100 or more people sporting bored, mildly annoyed, or even curious faces, terrifies most of us beyond imagination. While we stand there, trying hard not to fumble, an overwhelming pressure falls upon us, to entertain, to interest, and maybe even to wake up certain members of the audience and make them listen to our story. Because we have a message worth sharing. Gavel Mora releases this pressure and unburdens us in ways we’d never have anticipated. It helps us transport our listeners into our stories and share our thoughts articulately, leaving us free to not just speak, but to inspire and empower others and make a change in the world we live in.

Each year, the Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa takes on many projects to empower its members, motivate aspiring speakers and celebrate eloquent speakers. Since its inception in 2005, Speech Olympiad has been considered the jewel in the crown among all our other projects. Continuing its rich legacy, Speech Olympiad returns for the 14th time to celebrate the oratory talents of the undergraduates of University of Moratuwa.


This year, the competition will be held in an entirely virtual environment, and will consist of 3 stages; The Preliminary Round, the Semi-Final Round, and the Grand Finale. You only need to present a prepared speech for the Preliminary Round. For the other two rounds, you will have to do an impromptu speech as well as a prepared speech. If you are brave enough to challenge your comfort zone and sign up, Gavel Mora will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you get all the support and help you need to prepare. In no time, you’ll be striding confidently into the preliminary round. At the end of the day, no matter what the results will be, you will all emerge winners, equipped with a new set of skills and a powerful sense of confidence.

Moreover, you will get to meet other passionate speakers and a wildly diverse bunch of Gaveliers. You will find mentors and friends to help you along your journey through Speech Olympiad XIV. Gavel Mora is a place where no one feels out of place, and everyone will be welcomed and embraced with much love and amity.


Ultimately, your stories become your legacy, and Speech Olympiad XIV gives you a unique platform to share your story with the world. If you do take up the challenge and step into this journey, the next time you have to step out of your comfort zone and stand in front of an audience, you won’t need to feel so terrified anymore. The same mildly bored, annoyed, or curious faces may still look back at you first, but this time you will have what it takes to believe in yourself and speak your heart out.

Registrations for Speech Olympiad XIV will be opening soon, presenting you with a life-changing experience. Are you ready to take the first step?