Gaveliers shine on the global arena

By Mohamed Athif


The CIMA Global Business Challenge (GBC) is an international business competition for undergraduates around the world. The Gavel Club of University of Moratuwa has achieved several victories over the past few years including two Championships in 2009 and 2010 reflecting its members’ excellence in public speaking and leadership.

Gavel’s team of “Paragon Consultants” consisting of Gaveliers Sirimevan Jayasundara, Hasindu Siyambalape, Chamanthi Jayaweera and Piyumi Bandaranayake deservingly achieved the Championship in the 2015 competition beating 74 teams from all around the country earning the opportunity to represent Sri Lanka in the global competition. The Gaveliers from University of Moratuwa fought their final battle with 26 other teams from regions across the globe in Warsaw, Poland from 3rd to 7th of August 2015. They emerged amongst the top six teams of the competition bringing glory to the university and the country in the global arena.

The team leader, Sirimevan Jayasundara, shared these thoughts on their victory.

“It was last November when Akalanka ayya called me and asked to be the team leader of one of the GBC teams. After finalizing the team, the biggest challenge I had was to find a mentor for the team. I knew that it was the most important decision to make. Fortunately I was able to make the best decision of getting Channa ayya to be our mentor. Thus Piyumi, Chamanthi, Hasindu and I began our GBC journey.

It has been more than 9 months in our journey since then. Looking back at our journey it was a tremendous one with several ups and downs.

If someone asks us what Gavel taught us, we all will remain speechless for few minutes to gather all what we learnt. In fact the learning we got through Gavel is immeasurable. It extends beyond public speaking. CIMA GBC taught us several things we never knew; from business strategy to leadership to teamwork, all of it.

It was Gavel Mora that blessed us with this golden opportunity. It was Gavel Mora that gave us an impeccable mentor. The club was always with us from the phase of the report submission to the global finals. It felt great to realize that a wonderful set of people were backing us up at Sri Lanka while we competed globally.

Let us make this an opportunity to thank every present and past member of the Gavel club who were with us throughout. It was a great strength to have all of you.

We put our maximum effort to the competition and were able to make our country and the university proud. Each and every one of you holds a share of it being a part of Gavel Mora.

Finally I have to mention about the marvelous team Gavel gave me for this competition. It was a pleasure for me to lead such a vivid and a wonderfully talented team. I will never forget this inspiring team in my lifetime.”


One response to “Gaveliers shine on the global arena”

  1. Proud to see u bro…. congrads n all d very best