249th Meeting

By Hashan Nirvan Rahubaddha

“Do what you like. Say what you like. This is your time to stand up. This is your time to speak up. Share your life. Share your story. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes for none is perfect. We also had humble beginnings and made many mistakes. But we were able to achieve our dreams because we overcame our nightmares.  So dare to dream. Dare to speak.”

Those were the words of encouragement, the president Vibhanu Arachchige had to offer to his fellow Gaveliers during the 249th Gavel Meeting which was held on 18th June2015 at the PG Seminar Room in ENTC Department.

He further went on to point out that he’d been seeing the same faces on the stage during the meetings and urged the new members to take the first  initiative of turning their fear in to passion.

Later the Toastmaster for the day, Buddhika Kithmini, took over the proceedings and requested the new members to introduce themselves and described how  Gavel meetings are  conducted.

“You are sentenced to 10 years prison time and you’ve got only one month till your imprisonment date. What would you do during those 30 days?” was the situation the Toastmaster put us in during the round robin session. Many went on to say that they will be preparing for the prison time by getting to know the prison inmates and political leaders so that they can ease up the hard life inside the prison or they’ll plan out an escape. But majority opinion was that since they believed they won’t last that much of time in the prison, they should have a splendiferous life during that month and enjoy the freedom that is going be limited for 10 years.

The round robin session was followed by a lively table topics session which was headed by Manory Dissanayake who had come up with an excellent blend of topics. The highlight speech of the day was delivered by Malith Jayaweera who described how the Gavel Club discriminated men and he questioned how Gaveliers could forget fathers’ day while they extravagantly celebrate women’s day and mothers’ day. Later the president, Vibhanu  Arachchige, welcomed the idea and promised to hold a meeting under the theme of fathers’ day honoring the man who protected us from evil and hardships through day and night.

After Timer’s and Ah counter’s reports were presented it was time for the table topics evaluations which was carried out by Vibhanu Arachchige and Samavath Mallawaarachchi who made comprehensive and helpful evaluations on the speeches.

Rochelle Silva, the Grammarian for the day, highlighted the usage of the articles of the English language through her report and further went on to point out how to avoid the word “thing” by using alternative words which will add glamour to the speech.

After informing the members about the details of the 250th milestone meeting and the Speech Olympiad, the president adjourned the meeting applauding the passion and the enthusiasm shown by the members.

Thus, after another memorable, cheerful and colourful Gavel meeting we departed with the hopes of meeting soon at the next celebration: the 250th

The role players for the day

Toastmaster – Buddhika Kithmini Senevirathne

Table Topics Master – Manory Dissanayake

Timer – Praveen Kumarasinghe

Ah Counter – Sachithra Pathiraja

Grammarian – Rochelle Silva

General Evaluator – Kasun Rosa

Table Topics Evaluator I – Vibhanu Osanka Arachchige

Table Topic Evaluator II – Kasun Samavath Mallawarachchi

Table Topics

  1. Why was I born?
  2. Before I die
  3. If I know then what I know now
  4. Managing stress
  5. Nightmares
  6. Online dating
  7. Teen suicide
  8. Love marriage Vs arranged marriage
  9. People who talk to heart
  10. #interunigames2015
  11. I was glued to the screen

Word of the day – Splendiferous